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Long-Term Rental Management

Services Offered

If you own a property and are looking to delve into the long-term rental market, Ehring & Co. offers the comprehensive support you need to transform your investment into a steady source of income. Specializing in the management of long-term rentals, our services are designed to provide you with complete peace of mind. We handle everything from meticulous tenant screening and lease management to regular maintenance, rent collection, and financial reporting. Our proactive approach ensures that your property not only meets but exceeds market standards, fostering a positive and lasting relationship with your tenants. By choosing Ehring & Co., you entrust your property to experts who are committed to maximizing your investment's potential. We take pride in our ability to offer personalized management solutions, ensuring that your property is not just maintained, but also thrives under our care. Let us take the helm of your long-term rental management, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your investment with minimal hassle and maximum satisfaction.

A black and white icon of a magnifying glass and a piece of paper.

Tenant Screening

Meticulous vetting process to select reliable and responsible tenants.

A black and white drawing of a house with a key hanging from it.

Lease Management

Handling lease agreements, renewals, and terminations.

A black and white drawing of a wrench and a gear.

Regular Maintenance

Ongoing property upkeep to ensure it remains in excellent condition.

A black and white drawing of a house with a for sale sign.

Rent Collection

Efficient collection of rent payments from tenants.

A hand is holding a calculator and a piece of paper with a dollar sign on it.

Financial Reporting

Providing detailed financial reports to keep property owners informed of their investment performance.

A black and white drawing of a handshake on a white background.

Personalized Management Solutions

Tailored strategies to ensure properties thrive and achieve their maximum potential.

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